~~ M@ wORLd ~~

.. this bloG is beST viewed in ie7 and up .. cm canggih jer, ekekkekek.. tp betul tau!

@office, 12.26 lunch hr - ermmm a warmth welcome to our new 'kude', name CCP 1743 ... hehehehhe.. Alhamdulillah, syukur, last week, on the 9th Mar, En Aznizam's family, with PokLan & Mokteh went to Kuantan to get our new car... after almost 2 months waiting, finally, it arrive.. tho we waited for wilayah's plate with no 2101 (anniversary date) and black color .... but what the heck with numbers rite? ;o) so we're really greatful for the new arrival... :)

just for my family happy viewing...

not to show off ok....................................... alaa Avanza jer............ not like BMs ke.. Honda ke.. Mits.. ke.. hehehhe............ whatever pon...........

Lev U Yangggg........................ :) mwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh......................

home @ 1.05AM - this is the only time i can find to write......

it was 3rd March 2010, we were supposed to take aQiL for his medical check up @ Kuantan, in the same time, abah nyer have an appointment in the morning... but the nite before, mama checked aQiL's appointment card; the date was 5th March.... still, we decided to take him with us.... but

the next morning, rite before we leave to Kuantan, MiL insist in leaving aQiL to Mokteh, ermmm... pk2 blk okla... and so we did....

appointment abahnyer finished almost lunch... kitorg bwk my in laws n miL to lunch somewhere near Sg Pahang....... the food, as always, was good... masing2 kekenyangan........

abah bdak2 ni mkn smpai ngantuk mate nk drive, mama mkn juge tp xkenyang sgt sbb ratah lauk jer..... and so i became the driver...........

tgh driving....... few mins past the Sg Lembing Toll, just after the junction between to KL and KT, i began yawning like hell!!! Ngantuk se ngantuk2 nyer!!! Mengalir2 airmate ngantuk ni, xtau nk ckp cmne punyer ngantuk! I guess it caused by my lack of sleep and being tired that nite before.... letih mmg letih la......... tmbah pulak matahari elok dduk atas kepale.........

All of a sudden, I felt my eyes were so sleepy................................................................ and they closed! In a split seconds, these pics tells the rest of the story....................................

There're three things I wanna thank for.............
  1. aQiL xikut,
  2. the traffic was clear.. no car until after 5 mins of accident,
  3. we both are ok, with only scratches and bruises....

Everything went so fast, mate mama terbuke then tayar belah kiri dah masuk longkang tepi divider tu, immediately mama pusing steering ke kanan, (ada gaung belah kiri tu) to avoid masuk gaung............ but then hit divider kanan pulak..... kerete berpusing n stop horizontally in the road................. mmg maut sblm ajal.... Alhamdulillah xde kerete laju kat lane kanan tu... (mmg xde kerete lalu pon)...............

mama terbayang kete meletup ke, tebakar ke... nmpk minyak merate dah, minyak ape xpk dah se tu, tau minyak petrol jer.... nsib baik bukan..........

about an hour or so jalan tu pon clear, kerete pon dah di'tow' by LPT to Toll Jabor..... kt sane tunggu pulak geng abahnyer nk tow ke Kemaman.... kt sane baru mama snap pics for memories...

Abah kate " This will be his (the car) last journey with us... " sedey tgk abah..... mama rase bersalah sgt, dulu abah kater kalu nk beli kete ape pon keter ni tetap xnk jual............... :(

I'm sorry Yanggg........

I guess these are what the last of him we'll c..... abah ckp pasni, masuk bengkel tuka seme baru belake then jual terus......................................................

from the look of his eyes, mama tau betape sedehnye abah............... i know how it meant so much to him......... but maybe takat ni jer bakti nyer tuk kami sekeluarga..............

p/s: drive carefully everyone.............................. don't take ur life for granted...........
Alhamdulillah, syukur, masih dipanjangkan lagi hayat yg dikandung badan ni............

~~ m@m@ ~~

My photo
Chukai, Kemaman, Terengganu, Malaysia
.. a breastfeeding working mom, pursuing happiness in life and hereafter. ..InsyaALLAH..

~~ bLogging?

writing for memory... lately ade simptom short-term memory lost, hahhahah so kene la nulis sket takut ade event yg terlupe... :P

~~ m@ anGeLs ..

~~ FoR beTTeR & woRsT ..


~~ bUkUmUke KU ~~

~~ rmLan KjcuaCe ..


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