@office, 12.26 lunch hr - ermmm a warmth welcome to our new 'kude', name CCP 1743 ... hehehehhe.. Alhamdulillah, syukur, last week, on the 9th Mar, En Aznizam's family, with PokLan & Mokteh went to Kuantan to get our new car... after almost 2 months waiting, finally, it arrive.. tho we waited for wilayah's plate with no 2101 (anniversary date) and black color .... but what the heck with numbers rite? ;o) so we're really greatful for the new arrival... :)

just for my family happy viewing...

not to show off ok....................................... alaa Avanza jer............ not like BMs ke.. Honda ke.. Mits.. ke.. hehehhe............ whatever pon...........

Lev U Yangggg........................ :) mwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh......................