~~ M@ wORLd ~~

.. this bloG is beST viewed in ie7 and up .. cm canggih jer, ekekkekek.. tp betul tau!

~ office, @ 3.11pm, xde mood dah nk masuk office walaupon lambakan kerja semakin hari semakin tinggi.......................................................... :(
am missing.................... missing you so very much....................................................

~~ Salam Aidilfitri ~~

Salam Aidilfitri pada semua rakan2 yg mengenali kami suami isteri, maaf dipinta andai pernah salah berbahasa, salah berkelaku, salah mentafsir dan salah mkn dn mnum. Moga Lebaran kali ini lebih meriah disambut bersama keluarga, sanak saudara dan sahabat handai.

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir & Batin

.. my hubby ...

mama wants to dedicate today as abah's special day! heheheh bia la even abah jarang2 bace blog mama, n not so fan of FB, tp mama nk nulis gak...

abah dgn Aqil in 2007...

Abah dgn Zahra in 2009..

rase biase dah ngutuk suami, hehehhe biase la bkn ngutuk pe sgt, mmbebel campo komplen yg ringan2 jer... hari ni mama nk list down every kindness and good things about abah nyer...

tp citer cket2 jer laa............

abah is easily tempered, but after 4 yrs mama dpt predict ape yg boleh mmbuatkan abah cepat marah, so slowly mama is learning...... well, mama rase marriage is a process of living and knowing your spouse better and better for happiness of a lifetime........... kalu x ermm kejap jer laa bertahan..

despite having his temper abah is a very loving father and husband............ xramai yg tahu how spoil he can be when he wants attention... hehehheheh.............. hopefully only i knew......... :)

abah is my handyman @ home, dari bertukang, repair paip air, electrical issue seme bende abah leh wat... just name it n he'll try his best to solve.... tp jgn kaco die wat keje, hehehehe...

abah is helper too... blk pasa musti abah settle seme ikan, udang seme... mama tgal nk mskan aje dorg tu.. bagus x abah nyer? ;o) hihihiih.............

mcm org lain, my beloved hubby may not be as handsome, well dressed mcm org keje ofis tu, but to me he's perfect... just the way he is.......... tall, good looking, just gorgeous!! only mine!...

to abah nyer.............. my love will never ends............ never will, never ever ............ love you dearly sayang.........

sometimes, we took thing for granted and we tend to forget how grateful we should be and how lucky we are compared to those less than us.............

that's y take a minute or two and think.... be thankful .................................

11.34am @ Kuantan - ermm rini abah dah set kan appoinment tuk mama g service Avanza.. appoinment kol 10 so mama ingat nk jd org 1st smpai kat Toyota Kuantan ni, mama pon decide, kene bertolak immediately pas anta abah g keje pg nnt... and so i did... pg td mama bersiap terus... cm biase anta budak2 kt Mokteh, then anta abah, ("ermm awal lg ni... "), se tu 830 baru... okla plg2 kurang leh smpai 930, Toyota maybe bukak kol 10, ekekkekekek tu seme my assumptions...

940 am, smpai la mama kt Toyota... caiss.... keter ngah queue jgn ckp la.. smpai terkua2 barisan... yg ngah duduk dlm nunggu smbil mnum2, mkn2... ermmm nmpk selese dah seme, bak kate cam wat umah sndri la... cume xde yg tdo jer kt sofa tu...

urmmm ngan ngeluh nyer, xper la tunggu jer la... advisor tu ckp td, kete leh siap t/hari.. dlm kol 1230, tp xtau la kan setakat duk kt cermin sblh bengkel dorg ni xnmpk lg kelibat CCP 1743... :(

anyway, harap2 xde la smpai kol 2 3, kot ade pulak yg bedengko kt sofa, ni wat history pulok!!

bace surat kabo satt...

- 2.26pm @office, mama dilanda kemengantukan yg extreme.....
dah tdo dah jap td kt surau nun, tp malang nyer smpai abis lunch ngantuk mate ni xterubat gak! stress mama dbuatnyer!!!

adekah kerna mama puase??? hehehehheh cm saje nk ckp je ngah rajin pose, dehal br rini jer hehehehhe...

rabu ni last la mama bekojer kt Halliburton ni.... dan bukan masenyer lg untuk pk is this rite or wrong... my decision made! mama akan kembali ke Bumi Armada.......... untuk berape lame? haaa yg tu kiter xtahu lg............ xper la, janji dah ade kojer tetap!! xleh milih sgt kt bumi Kemaman ni, ade kojer tu pon dah patut besyukor sgt2.....

kwn2 cni ok, kije nk komen byk pon xleh sbb mama xsempat wat kije betul2 pon... kije sket2 je sempat wat... tp sbb kan offer Bumi yg agak baik rase nyer okla financial mama tuk bberape tahun akan dtg ni... insyaAllah.......... rezki......... Alhamdulillah.......

lepas ni ne atur blk financial ni.... ish nk g cari article molek2 sket pesal financial planning ni... untuk ilmu dan practical................ g sat no........

office @ 12.37noon - ermmm... rase cm dah setahun xnulis...... bukan malas ok... just time contraint... separuh mase clerk, separuh lagi mama to my 2 precious gems not germs ok, ekekkekek... and full time lady to Mr Hubby .....

so many things happened but yet so lil time to write em all..... nk recall pon xingat dah details... some too p&c to tell.... ~~~sigh~~

definately these few weeks, budak2 begilir2 xsehat, pas sorg2.. abg dah baek, adik pulak, adik dah baek abg nyer pulak... smpai hr ni Zahra pulak batuk+selsema, abg baru nmpk ok sket dr demam... ape factor nyer xtau la, cuace?? maybe la kot... kejap panas sgt2 kejap hujan pulak... mcm2 ada....

mcm hr ni, eloknyer hujan dr pg td smpai la ni xberenti lg.... uurrmmmm....

dah smgu abahnyer cuti...

to be cont @ 1.29pm.... (fyi the above was written on the 18/5/2010)

and continued...................... today, 5/7/2010


@office, 12.26 lunch hr - ermmm a warmth welcome to our new 'kude', name CCP 1743 ... hehehehhe.. Alhamdulillah, syukur, last week, on the 9th Mar, En Aznizam's family, with PokLan & Mokteh went to Kuantan to get our new car... after almost 2 months waiting, finally, it arrive.. tho we waited for wilayah's plate with no 2101 (anniversary date) and black color .... but what the heck with numbers rite? ;o) so we're really greatful for the new arrival... :)

just for my family happy viewing...

not to show off ok....................................... alaa Avanza jer............ not like BMs ke.. Honda ke.. Mits.. ke.. hehehhe............ whatever pon...........

Lev U Yangggg........................ :) mwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh......................

home @ 1.05AM - this is the only time i can find to write......

it was 3rd March 2010, we were supposed to take aQiL for his medical check up @ Kuantan, in the same time, abah nyer have an appointment in the morning... but the nite before, mama checked aQiL's appointment card; the date was 5th March.... still, we decided to take him with us.... but

the next morning, rite before we leave to Kuantan, MiL insist in leaving aQiL to Mokteh, ermmm... pk2 blk okla... and so we did....

appointment abahnyer finished almost lunch... kitorg bwk my in laws n miL to lunch somewhere near Sg Pahang....... the food, as always, was good... masing2 kekenyangan........

abah bdak2 ni mkn smpai ngantuk mate nk drive, mama mkn juge tp xkenyang sgt sbb ratah lauk jer..... and so i became the driver...........

tgh driving....... few mins past the Sg Lembing Toll, just after the junction between to KL and KT, i began yawning like hell!!! Ngantuk se ngantuk2 nyer!!! Mengalir2 airmate ngantuk ni, xtau nk ckp cmne punyer ngantuk! I guess it caused by my lack of sleep and being tired that nite before.... letih mmg letih la......... tmbah pulak matahari elok dduk atas kepale.........

All of a sudden, I felt my eyes were so sleepy................................................................ and they closed! In a split seconds, these pics tells the rest of the story....................................

There're three things I wanna thank for.............
  1. aQiL xikut,
  2. the traffic was clear.. no car until after 5 mins of accident,
  3. we both are ok, with only scratches and bruises....

Everything went so fast, mate mama terbuke then tayar belah kiri dah masuk longkang tepi divider tu, immediately mama pusing steering ke kanan, (ada gaung belah kiri tu) to avoid masuk gaung............ but then hit divider kanan pulak..... kerete berpusing n stop horizontally in the road................. mmg maut sblm ajal.... Alhamdulillah xde kerete laju kat lane kanan tu... (mmg xde kerete lalu pon)...............

mama terbayang kete meletup ke, tebakar ke... nmpk minyak merate dah, minyak ape xpk dah se tu, tau minyak petrol jer.... nsib baik bukan..........

about an hour or so jalan tu pon clear, kerete pon dah di'tow' by LPT to Toll Jabor..... kt sane tunggu pulak geng abahnyer nk tow ke Kemaman.... kt sane baru mama snap pics for memories...

Abah kate " This will be his (the car) last journey with us... " sedey tgk abah..... mama rase bersalah sgt, dulu abah kater kalu nk beli kete ape pon keter ni tetap xnk jual............... :(

I'm sorry Yanggg........

I guess these are what the last of him we'll c..... abah ckp pasni, masuk bengkel tuka seme baru belake then jual terus......................................................

from the look of his eyes, mama tau betape sedehnye abah............... i know how it meant so much to him......... but maybe takat ni jer bakti nyer tuk kami sekeluarga..............

p/s: drive carefully everyone.............................. don't take ur life for granted...........
Alhamdulillah, syukur, masih dipanjangkan lagi hayat yg dikandung badan ni............

@ 12.30noon, home - ermmm its been quite sometime since mama last updated this blog.... cm byk nk story mory ni......
ok recall back the day abah budak2 ni g Aust. ritu... abah bg mama beg kulit kanggaru..... hiiiiiiiiii suke sgt... sgt2.... mmg mama pesan pon, tp penat lelah abah mncari akhirnyer jmpe juge... ni toh beg nyer................... saje nk Xsyen, hehehehhe.......... :P

a week after dat, abah nyer kene g Labuan pulak... sabo jer laa.................. abah pg dlm smgu juge la....... penat juge bler abah bdak2 ni xde, yer la seme nk wat sndri, xde org tolg jage bdak2 kan... but slowly i managed....... makin kerap abahnyer travel, makin ok la mangement mama kt umah ni, makan bdak2 bole settle, baju2, ngemas vacuum, ngemop seme Alhamdulillah laa..... tp still there's rooms for improvement......
blk dr Labuan tetibe abahnyer kene g US pulok! :-( well, pe leh buat??? abah cr rezki tuk kami anak beranak....................
mgu ni abah bdak2 ni blk la... smntare tu mama cube jd mama yg terbestest tuk budak2 ni.... cuti pnjang ni ngan xde plan nyer mama ingat nk spend mase kt umah jer la... ptg2 bwk bdak g jaln2 amik angin lua umah, tp xleh kua kete la hehehhehe.............
blk keje khamis lepas mkteh ajak g mkn mlm, ngan xblk umahnyer, xtuka bju keje pon, mama terus setuju je, solat asar + maghrib kt umah mkteh, pas maghrib tu terus kitorg g Mesra Mall @ Kemasek tu... kitorg mkn kt FoodCourt tu jer, ade satu lot kedai tu namenyer 'KUALI' sedappp.. hehehhehehe... hr Jumaat tu kitorg g East Coast Mall pulak, heheheh bejalan manjang, last skali, semlm kitorg g picnic kt Cherating............... itu la ending cuti Raye Cine 2010 mama................. ni gmbo kitorg g main air semlm..........

smpai2 kitorg mkn nasi, heheheh mokteh yg masak, kuikuikuikuiiiii...........
adik smpai2 terus tdo, hihiihih............

adik br bgn......

sblm turun laut, hehehhe... tu la mokteh ngan poklang...

aQiL mulenyer takut2........... hihiihihi....... pas 2nd dtime masuk air, smpai pucat2 baru nk blk, ekekekke... ni jer la gmba yg ade tuk tatapan my family n frens....................

esok masuk keje dah................ kejap plak rase cuti ni......... xper la lenkali cter lain pulak... adios for now.................................... tara...................

.. jalan2 lunch hr ..

@ office, 5.44pm - ramai org dah blk dah... Boss beso sket pon dah depart to Melake... tgal Boss kecek sket, xblk Johor.. hehehhehe... mama tgu abah budak2 ni amik lewat sket rini, so terpakse la 'sneake -ing' kt ofis ni... lunch hr td mama kua ngan Sis Jijah, teman die g Bank Rkyat kt town ni,... ngah park nmpk Merz ni, perghhhhhhh 4 wd Merz.............. terbaik!!!.. tgk no plate plak.................... perggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh lg menarik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pe lg, mama pon mntak tolg Sis Jijah snap la gmbo mama kt ctu, ekekekek bia panas terik pon, kuikuikuikuiiiiii.....

lame dah xmnulis kan?........... xde mase sgt dah la ni, ....... hubby br jer blk dr Labuan, smgu lebih die xde boring juge....... blk keje amik bdak2 ni lepek2 la kami 3 beranak kt rumah.......... msk?? hehehheheheh alasan: xde lauk laaa............... dehal nyer xrajin pon g pasa beli lauk .... tgkla, lg 2 mgu hubby nk g US plak ............... :( sadis sungguh!

anyway, mlm ape ritu tah luper dah, mama bwk bdak2 ni g jaln Mesra Mall kt Kemasek tu ngan mok teh & pok lang budak2 ni.............. baik dorg tu, mama rase cm sedare2 jer.......... yer la kter ni merantau jer................... kajang pak malau kajang berlipat... jom mkn satey kt kajang selangor :P hihihiihih..............................

eh tersasar dah ni, sebenonyer nk cter pesal owner kete tu td, ekekeke lari tajuk pelak! short term memory lost betul!

ok, se dok usha2 kete tu dr dlm bank td, ade la sorg tu dok lalu lalang dpn mama (kt lua cermin bank), mama bdget nk tgu owner tu la nk tgk sape la yg kayi rayi tu, kekekkeke... kt lua bank ade pokcik ni dok kulu kilir kt lua tu, ade mini booth P1 WiMax, ade bbrape bdk mude dok kesane kemari......... mama duk tgu org chine ni, ade no 8 ni musti chine aahh.. ade ong wooo.. good feng shui punyer..........

Sis Jijah abis settle urusan die kitorg pon kelua, nk tau x????...........

pok cik yg kulu kilir dpn bank td, ngan serban siap, masuk kete tu, ngan anak & wife dier, aduss.... berdose nyer rase memndang pokcik tu ngan sebelah spek mate mama ni, ....

rupenyer pokcik tu yg dtgu2........... mama terus rase, die yg kaye, didunie ni, munkin juge kaye diakhirat besok, sbb nyer??? anak bini die sopan mengikut sunnah, nmpk alim dan baik budi pekertinyer.................. insyaAllah..... zahirnyer nmpk begitu seblknyer pon begitu...

alangkah bahagianyer mereke yg dekat dgnNYA.............................

p/s: kwn mama kate, moral nyer hr ni mama kene jd cm bini pkcik tu bru leh pakai kete tu... (malu rase....)

heheheheh rase nk share pulak info mama dpt rini..

March 29,

Lucky Color: Emerald
Personality Strengths: Wit, Love
Personality Weakness(es): Over-confidence
Successful Career Path: Fashion
Sense of Humor Style: Quick-witted
Adjectives to Describe You: powerful, courageous
Bright and cheerful - you are always smiling and add a smile to the face of all those that know you. Chirpy and talkative for the most part, you are outgoing, social and extroverted. A largely happy person on both the outside and the inside - may you always remain the same!

believe it or not, i think it do exist.. its a matter of 'lelaki yg baik untuk perempuan yg baik' and vice versa.. am i rite? or u're wrong?? hehhehehe...

anyway, for what its worth saying... our spouse are reflection of ourselves... we complete each other in a way maybe we don't understand but every lil' thing happens for a reason ....

just wanna share this... enjoy...

Mereka meragui wujudnya cinta yang sejati
Tidak hati ini
Semenjak dari mula
Ku yakin ada cinta
Cintalah yang memungkinkan segala

Ku rela biar betapa pun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya tidak sia-sia aku diuji
Demi cinta tersembunyi hikmahNya pasti

Pandang-pandang alam ini
Sambil pandang difikiri
Mana bumbung langit tinggi
Mana lantai bumi
Tiap satu yang terjadi
Tidak mungkin tersendiri
Cuba cari jawapannya andai meragui

Mereka meragui wujudnya cinta yang sejati
Tidak hati ini
Semenjak dari mula
Ku yakin ada cinta
Cintalah yang memungkinkan segala

(Ulang *)
(Ulang Korus)
(Ulang *)

Ada hikmah yang pasti..
Sejak mula ku percaya ada cinta
Cinta itu memungkinkan segalanya
Cinta suci yang abadi

9.50pm,@home - HQ is planning to centralised their operation in KL... in other word, transfer most staff in Kemaman to KL for easier/conveniently monitored their staff under one roof.... was said that all the big2 post to leave their seats in only few months time... for locals, they wont budge.. like my 2 close colleagues, they are single, young ladies... it wont worth they leave their family for only say like under 2k of salary to live in KL.. no dont think so...

like me?? my contract will end this March.. n sorry KL not for me... my famly maybe there but my hubby is here............. tah la.. juz wait n c saje laa....

work load not so much la, but still no time to waste, i've only few months to show the management how much i'm worth... hopefully i get the opportunity to demand a little.... bkn ape nk nympan byk sket, tuk anak2 n hr tue esok....

tgklah rezki cmne.............. errrm........... Zahra pon dah bgn time for writing pon approaching to the end.............

doakan yg terbaik tuk mama sekeluarga............... moge2 ade la rezki anak2 nnt....... insyaAllah.........

to life................... may this yr's sun shine a little brighter for me....................

English for ESL learners

~~ m@m@ ~~

My photo
Chukai, Kemaman, Terengganu, Malaysia
.. a breastfeeding working mom, pursuing happiness in life and hereafter. ..InsyaALLAH..

~~ bLogging?

writing for memory... lately ade simptom short-term memory lost, hahhahah so kene la nulis sket takut ade event yg terlupe... :P

~~ m@ anGeLs ..

~~ FoR beTTeR & woRsT ..


~~ bUkUmUke KU ~~

~~ rmLan KjcuaCe ..


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