mama wants to dedicate today as abah's special day! heheheh bia la even abah jarang2 bace blog mama, n not so fan of FB, tp mama nk nulis gak...

abah dgn Aqil in 2007...

Abah dgn Zahra in 2009..

rase biase dah ngutuk suami, hehehhe biase la bkn ngutuk pe sgt, mmbebel campo komplen yg ringan2 jer... hari ni mama nk list down every kindness and good things about abah nyer...

tp citer cket2 jer laa............

abah is easily tempered, but after 4 yrs mama dpt predict ape yg boleh mmbuatkan abah cepat marah, so slowly mama is learning...... well, mama rase marriage is a process of living and knowing your spouse better and better for happiness of a lifetime........... kalu x ermm kejap jer laa bertahan..

despite having his temper abah is a very loving father and husband............ xramai yg tahu how spoil he can be when he wants attention... hehehheheh.............. hopefully only i knew......... :)

abah is my handyman @ home, dari bertukang, repair paip air, electrical issue seme bende abah leh wat... just name it n he'll try his best to solve.... tp jgn kaco die wat keje, hehehehe...

abah is helper too... blk pasa musti abah settle seme ikan, udang seme... mama tgal nk mskan aje dorg tu.. bagus x abah nyer? ;o) hihihiih.............

mcm org lain, my beloved hubby may not be as handsome, well dressed mcm org keje ofis tu, but to me he's perfect... just the way he is.......... tall, good looking, just gorgeous!! only mine!...

to abah nyer.............. my love will never ends............ never will, never ever ............ love you dearly sayang.........

sometimes, we took thing for granted and we tend to forget how grateful we should be and how lucky we are compared to those less than us.............

that's y take a minute or two and think.... be thankful .................................